Project profile: ADEPT
Project profile: ADEPT

Project profile: ADEPT

ADEPT is a young NGO that supports secondary and vocational schools in Uganda.
Since 2017, ADEPT has partnered with four secondary schools focused on various fields of education, providing support ranging from classroom materials to teacher training to infrastructure projects such as the construction of a dormitory.
ADEPT stands for “Africa’s Development, Education, Partners and Trainers.” ADEPT is not just another charitable organization from a wealthy country – it’s an initiative launched by the school board of the Diocese of Masaka and guided by local needs and ideas.
ADEPT is run entirely by volunteers and has already done a lot of good in Uganda.

Our goal: advance vocational training in Uganda

Since the introduction of compulsory education in 1997, the state has relied primarily on church-run schools. But there are far too few primary and secondary schools for Uganda’s very young population.

That’s why we decided to focus our efforts on parochial secondary and vocational schools.

The school board of the Diocese of Masaka oversees some 750 educational institutions, from preschool to university.

Our goal: advance vocational training in Uganda
Our goal: advance vocational training in Uganda

Our school: St. Bruno Ssaza

For many years, this school on the outskirts of Masaka was emblematic of what is commonly referred to as a “high-risk” school.

But change was in the air in 2018 when St. Bruno was selected to become a center for IT vocational training and the AEB-Stiftung stepped up with funding.

St. Bruno became an educational beacon for the region with three new school buildings – including two computer labs and several science labs – technical equipment, and even new sanitary facilities. Teachers, parents, and students take pride in their school as stakeholders in an active and functioning school community.

Today, St. Bruno is a magnet for students, accommodating a much greater number of kids than before. And it’s a magnet for teachers as well, with planned new staff housing to accommodate the school’s organic growth and broad, diversified curriculum.

Our school: St. Bruno Ssaza
Our school: St. Bruno Ssaza

Our tech scholarships

Two AEB employees have been sponsoring the school’s new computer club since 2022.

The AEB-Stiftung awards scholarships to two students a year from ninth grade through graduation.

Scholarship recipients have the opportunity to further improve their skills by taking part in a biweekly series of tech-themed online sessions presented by the AEB sponsors, including a certificate of completion.

In exchange, the students agree to represent and promote the computer department at internal and external events. They’re also responsible for maintenance of the two computer labs and the PCs.

Everyone involved is very happy with the success of this pilot project.

Our sponsorship program

To help strengthen personal relationships, we’ve initiated a sponsorship program between people at AEB and students of St. Bruno School.

ADEPT has provided support here. Following the model of earlier sponsorship programs, kids learn about the possibility of a sponsorship when they’re in eighth grade, and the sponsorships begin in ninth grade.